May 18, 2007

C&Ler JJ sent this to me five days ago and I forgot to post about it.

When the student asked the question about taking part in demonstrations, Mayer said, she replied that there were peace marches in Bloomington, that she blew her horn whenever she saw a "Honk for Peace" sign, and that people should seek peaceful solutions before going to war. A student complained to her father, who complained to the principal, who canceled the school's annual "Peace Month" observance and told Mayer never to discuss the war or her political views in class.

Mayer, who had been hired after the semester started and had received a good job evaluation before the incident, was dismissed at the end of the school year. The school said it was for poor performance, but the appeals court assumed that she had been fired for her comments and said the school had acted on

Aren't peaceful solutions preferable to war? This is ridiculous on so many levels, but once again right wingers want to slam the door on any form of criticisms to this administration and the war--no matter how insignificant they are. Why would a student complain to her father about a teacher simply honking the horn in response to a question? And why would that father go to the principal? Intimidation plain and simple.

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