AP Via The Huffington Post: [media id=1421] [media id=1422] (h/t Silent Patriot for the vids) [media id=1423] [media id=1424] UPDATE: longer versi
May 25, 2007

Card-UMass-Booed AP Via The Huffington Post:

icon Download icon Download (h/t Silent Patriot for the vids)

icon Download icon Download UPDATE: longer version here, you can see what a madhouse it was (h/t Scarce)

President Bush's former chief of staff Andrew Card was loudly booed by hundreds of students and faculty members as he rose to accept an honorary degree at the University of Massachusetts on Friday.[..]
Card smiled slightly while Seymour spoke and raised his hand in thanks, then sat down without speaking.

One faculty member onstage held a sign: "Card _ no honor, no degree." Another sign said, "War criminals go home." Read more...

Frankly, I have a hard time understanding why UMass would even entertain the thought of awarding Card an honorary degree, especially after hearing the recent testimony of Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey detailing his disturbing and highly unethical bedside hackery meeting in John Ashcroft's hospital room in 2004 with then White House Counsel, Alberto Gonzales.

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