Co-hosts on "Outnumbered" are in favor of the federal government doing something to punish networks Trump calls 'fake news'?
October 12, 2017

After Trump tweeted that he wanted the FCC to strip NBC News' broadcast license for reporting stories that upset him, the ladies of Fox News' "Outnumbered" came to his rescue.

Co-host Sandra Smith asked if "there is anything" the feds can do" to fight those stories" and Harris Faulkner claimed "it wouldn't be the worst thing," if the FCC took a closer look at what they consider to be "fake news."

Co-host librarian Kennedy opened up the segment by playing audio of Trump whining about the press and then Sen. Chris Coons blasting him for blatantly attacking the free press and "normalizing unconstitutional statements" by undermining the First Amendment.

Kennedy asked Juan Williams, "All presidents complain that they are not treated fairly in the press. All of them regardless of party. Did this president cross a line for you?"

Williams said, "It crosses a line when he talks about pulling somebody's license because then that suggests that he's the determinant of what is legitimate and illegitimate in terms of press."

Then Trump's cavalry arrived.

Co-host Sandra Smith rushed in and claimed that fake and biased news is prevalent against Trump.

She said, "There are fake news stories everyday that are put out there and the president is acknowledging this is a growing problem. Are you not acknowledging the biased nature of the mainstream media?"

Kellyanne Conway couldn't have done better herself. Smith never even cited one 'fake news' story about the Trump administration that is a "growing problem."

Williams didn't know how to respond and suggested that MSNBC and CNN are to the left of the right-wing conservative Fox News, but Trump should not be the one deciding what they see, read and hear just because he doesn't like the news reports about him and his administration.

Kennedy didn't have a problem with Trump complaining about the media, "But saying somehow he's going to use the power of the federal government to even imply ---"

Smith jumped back in, "Is there is anything the government can do?"

Kennedy said the FCC doesn't have the power to revoke NBC's license, but their affiliates were exposed on a local level.

Harris Faulkner tried to give Trump a few ideas and said, "If you change the licensing for the local affiliates and the network can't put its programming on that because of the changes in the licenses, you can effectively hurt the network..."

But Faulkner realized that Trump is the president and either wondered or hoped the FCC agency would listen to him.

Then she said, "Oh, by the way, that wouldn't be the worst thing if they took a closer look at some of the fake news out there."

This is beyond imbecilic, not to mention hypocritical. This is the network that pushed Benghazi, birtherism, emails, etc. etc. against Democrats. If any Democrat has even hinted at going after Fox as a network for their "fake news," the screams of First Amendment violation would crack monuments.

When journalists use their sources to report on any presidential administration, even if something turns out not to be factually accurate, that's not "fake news."

What Alex Jones peddles IS "fake news" because his claims are not based on anything other than his sick and twisted mind.

Fox News uses their own reporters like James Rosen in exactly the same way and that was perfect for the "Outnumbered" group and Fox News generally during Obama's presidency.

But you know, any story Trump does not like is considered "fake news."

They momentarily laced into NBC over their Harvey Weinstein coverage. Hey Fox News, how much reporting on Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Eric Bolling and the rest of those that were fired from Fox News over sexual harassment, did you deliver to your viewers?


How much?

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