December 22, 2019

So, how do you react if you're a "senior policy adviser" for the Trump administration, and it's been recently revealed that you've been corresponding with Breitbart News in an attempt to weaponize hatred of immigrants, xenophobia and anti-Semitism? Why, accuse the other side of doing the same thing, of course.

Here's white nationalist Stephen Miller doing exactly that on this Friday's Trish Regan Primetime on the Fox Business Network:

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, appeared on the Fox Business program Trish Regan Primetime Friday, telling the host that Democrats' attacks on him are the result of anti-Semitism.

Miller gave an exclusive interview to Regan addressing the allegations of racism against him. The interview comes the same day as a letter to the White House signed by all the Jewish Democratic members of the House of Representatives demanding his resignation.

"I find the accusation to be profoundly offensive and completely outrageous," Miller said. "And it's an attempt on the part of the Democratic Party to attack and demonize a Jewish staffer. And make no mistake, there is a deep vein of anti-Semitism that is running through today's Democratic Party."

Miller also claimed that the allegations against him were the result of Democrats projecting their party's own problems onto Republicans.

"The Democratic Party of today traffics in lies, hatred and, yes, racism," Miller said. "And a lot of projection involved in the attacks they make. They divide people by race. They divide people by color. They try to separate, they tried to pull people away from one another and tear at the seams that hold us together."

"Donald Trump is the anti-racist president, and everyone who works underneath him are absolutely committed to the philosophy of everyone as equal in the eyes of God," he added.

Democrats have been calling for Miller to be fired for weeks on end now. As long as he's not causing Trump to bleed any support from his racist base, don't expect him to be going anywhere anytime soon.

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