Proud Boys Advance On Ohio Statehouse During Armed Protest
January 17, 2021

Groups of armed extremists who are known as the Proud Boys and the Boogaloo movement showed up with firearms for a protest at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus on Sunday.

Haley Nelson of WSYX shared video of a group identified as "Proud Boys" advancing on the Statehouse with a military-style formation.

WXVU talked to a group of protesters in Ohio on Sunday who said that they represented the Ohio Boogaloo Boys.

"We don't really support any of the politicians, Trump or Biden," one member said. "We think they're all bad news. Both parties expand the failures of the other."

Another group of armed protesters denied they represented the Proud Boys and said that they supported Black Lives Matter instead.

One protester was seen carrying a flag that read: "Liberty or Death."

At one point, two of the groups used bullhorns to argue about the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

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