Crumbley's Parents' Arrests Open New Vistas Of Winger Whataboutism
Credit: Oakland County Jail
December 5, 2021

The parents of Ethan Crumbley have been arrested.

The parents of the teen accused in this week's deadly Michigan high school shooting pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges Saturday morning, hours after police said they arrested them in a Detroit warehouse following an hours-long search....

James and Jennifer Crumbley were charged Friday with four counts of involuntary manslaughter over Tuesday's shooting....

Prosecutors on Friday announced the couple were being charged in connection with the shooting for numerous reasons -- including allegations that they recently bought the gun for their son, and did not remove him from school despite being told hours before the killings of a concerning drawing the teen was accused of making.

This leads quite a few commenters at Breitbart to say: What about all the scary Black people and I see on my TV every day?

You could have 10 gang shootings in Detroit or Chicago this weekend, and they would NEVER go after one of the parents. They're going after these parents because of the culture/class that they want them to represent.


I recommend the crumbleys demand that their son: "is a good boy. He would never do this. He was turning his life around"

It works for the urban parents in Detroit.


Well, if we could now please go after the baby mamas and baby daddies of all the ghetto gangbangers, we could have the crime problem licked in no time.


They could always say " He has mental issues and the system jet him down " that seems to work for others


Won't work. He is White. He is a dead man walking.


Yes, their son should self-identify as an upcoming rapper. That would do it.


Yes! Give his lawyers a call. I see a great defense in the making. The kid said "bro" and sounded like the next hip hop superstar! They have it on tape.


They are white and conservative. That’s why they spent so much manpower going after them. Listen they at the very least should be taken in for questioning but don’t even tell me if they were minority parents they’d be hunted down like that. It would be a slap on the wrist in anti white Michigan.


Gang members are very often minors, have some form of mental illness, and get guns from their parents ... maybe not as a gift, but I'd be shocked if there were 0 cases of them being straight-up given a gun by a parent. And equally shocked if the parents were charged with manslaughter having not broken a law.


One could say WI should charge mother of the parade crasher she knew her son had mental problems


It is get the white people time. ANY excuse will do.


They are white so they can throw the book at them with no consequences.


They be white folks so they track them down with dogs, tanks and guns.

Now as for them other criminals well, theys all okay to keep burning, !00ting, murdering and rioting.


And what’s with the terrorism charge? How many times did she charge blm rioters with terrorism?


15 year old black male shot and killed a 13 year old white girl in richmond Virginia last year with his father’s gun, no charges against the parents!

His father was employed by the FBI!


White are under attack in the USA..From the streets to the schools

I'm seeing this in comments at Gateway Pundit, too:

They're only Charging them because they're White. Did they Charge the Parents of that Black guy who mowed down all those people in Wakasha


If they were black, no charges would have been filed.

Name a ghetto kids mom who has been arrested.


Good. Let's do the same with the urban democrats in big cities parent's. You know, the "teens". If they can find the dad charge him as well.

So now every time there's a multiple murder of any kind by a non-white person, the right will have a new grievance: Why haven't the parents been arrested? Because conservative whites are history's most oppressed people -- really, just ask them and they'll tell you.

Published with permission of No More Mister Nice Blog.

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