December 1, 2021

A Republican feud that just keeps going and going...

Source: The Hill

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) shot back at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on Tuesday after Greene called her "trash," responding by using emojis to call her fellow first-term Republican congresswoman "batshit crazy."

Mace was responding to Green's Tuesday morning tweet that accused her of being a "RINO," or Republican in name only, after Mace condemned Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) for making anti-Muslim remarks about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.).

While appearing on CNN, Mace had commented on the ongoing feud between Boebert and Omar that was sparked after Boebert joked about Omar, who is Muslim, being a terrorist. Mace denounced the incident as an example of "racist tropes and remarks" that have been made on both sides of the aisle.

About one hour after Greene posted her criticism, Mace retweeted her and wrote Greene's words were an example of "batshit crazy," replacing her words with the bat, poop and clown emoji.

With Mace also responding with words rather than emojis, pinning this tweet to her Twitter profile.

And it continued to the House floor.

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