A 2024 presidential announcement by Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) went off the rails on Monday when his microphones stopped working.
May 22, 2023

A 2024 presidential announcement by Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) went off the rails on Monday when his microphones stopped working.

At a campaign event in South Carolina, Scott was set to announce his presidential campaign when the sound cut out.

"I cannot stand by while this is done to America," Scott said. "Our nation, our values, and our people are strong, but our president is weak."

At that point, a technical glitch left Scott in silence.

"He's having some technical difficulties, and this is Senator Tim Scott in the middle of announcing that he is running," Fox News host Harris Faulkner noted.

Within a few moments, Scott received a new microphone and regained his footing.

"Let's see if this one works. All right," he said. "But under Joe Biden, our nation is not a nation in decline, but under Joe Biden, we have become a nation in retreat."

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