That giant sucking sound you hear is RNC money that might have gone to down ballot races being siphoned to Trump’s legal bills.
March 8, 2024

On Friday, the Republican National Committee voted unanimously to install Trump toadies, liars and grifters as their leaders. The new chair of the committee is election denier and liar Michael Whatley, daughter-in-law Lara Trump and Trump campaign co-manager Chris LaCivita. LaCivita will remain in his campaign job while also serving as Chief Operating Officer.

Lara Trump has already said she will “make sure that every penny of every dollar donated to the RNC is going to Donald Trump’s campaign,” though she added money would also go "to making sure that we expand our lead in the House with America First patriots who love this country, that we take back the Senate on Nov. 5th of this year." You can read that as “making sure money only goes to candidates willing to do Daddy-in-law’s bidding.”

But I wouldn’t hold your breath, down ballot candidate, no matter how deep your loyalism. The Washington Post noted that the RNC has a historically low $8.7 million cash on hand according to its most recent reporting, while the DNC has $24 million. At the end of January, Biden’s campaign had $56 million in cash, nearly twice as much as Trump’s $30.5 million.

The New York Times calls it “an outstanding question” as to whether or not the RNC will resume paying Trump’s massive legal bills:

Mr. LaCivita told reporters last month in South Carolina that he did not anticipate the committee would pay Mr. Trump’s legal bills. But Ms. Trump, at a campaign event elsewhere in the state, signaled an openness to doing so, saying that Mr. Trump’s legal fees were a significant concern for Republican voters.

“I think that is of big interest to people,” she said. “Absolutely.”

But I think the rest of us can see where this is going, however the money is characterized. After all, LaCivita didn’t get to his position by saying no to Trump. But just in case you still have doubts, the committee “declined to consider a proposal from Mississippi RNC member Henry Barbour to prevent the committee” from paying Trump's legal bills, The Washington Post reported.

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