February 16, 2007

Unbelievable: (h/t JeanD)

A hospital under investigation for leaving a paraplegic man in the downtown area known as Skid Row last week has released his medical records, the city attorney said Thursday, a day after accusing the medical center of "stonewalling" the probe.---Investigators are looking into whether Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center violated federal laws against releasing or transferring medically unstable patients.

Witnesses reported a man, described by police as a 41-year-old who lost use of his legs in a 1990 car crash, crawling in the street Feb. 8 after being dropped off by a van contracted by Hollywood Presbyterian. The man is now being treated at another hospital.

They leave the guy crawling in the gutter and then tried to block the release of his medical records when he had already given authorization to do so.

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