March 2, 2007

08-inside-savage.jpg I'm sure in his little, shriveled, hate-filled mind, this is just persecution by the Hollywood liberal cabal, but this is no red or blue issue. Hollywood is all about the green. And Michael Weiner Savage isn't going to bring in the greenbacks with his own special brand of crazy. And people like Oscar-winning Melissa Etheridge WILL, so it's really no mystery how this all played out.


The giant Creative Artists Agency apparently got more than it bargained for after it announced that it had signed conservative talk-show host Michael Savage as a client this week. No sooner had his name been added to its roster than Savage ranted on the air against another CAA client, singer Melissa Etheridge, who thanked her wife, Tammy Lyn Michaels, when she accepted an Oscar during Sunday's televised Academy Awards presentations.

"I don't like a woman married to a woman," Savage railed. "It makes me want to puke." As for children raised by two women, Savage stormed, "I think it's child abuse."

CAA quickly found itself in the center of the conflict. Late on Thursday, E! Entertainment's website said that it had received a terse email from a CAA representative that read only: "No longer rep him."

Media Matters has the whole story.

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