June 20, 2007

You've heard about the new lies about Hillary, right? Let your eyes and ears tell you what happened in the above video. HotAir tried the same trick last year at TBA....Yet, York who tries to portray himself as a reasonable conservative---is rewarded by getting a seat next to Tim Russert. It pays to get that wingnut welfare from the NRO. I find it fascinating that C&L beats the NRO pretty handily in traffic via Alexa. Even with boatloads of cash and all the free media exposure---they still can't compete with the people-powered politics of you and I. Jane Hamsher:

Hillary Clinton’s speech from this morning is already causing a significant flap. Byron York sat through the same speech as the rest of us but was viewing it through his typical lens of such partisan distortion that his perceptions once again appear to be the product of bizarroworld.

Hillary was in no way booed for saying “the American military has done its job,” the boos came when she claimed that the Iraqi government was somehow to blame. Right wing mythology regularly demands that one believe their recklessly constructed fantasies over your own eyes and ears, but for those who still ascribe to some sort of consensus reality you can view the YouTube above. Fox News and Drudge are already running with bold-faced lie (which Bob Geiger deconstructs second-by-second here). The only thing that exceeds the audacity of their lies is the speed at which they propagate them...read on

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