June 22, 2007
(Guest blogged by SteveAudio)

Working in and around recording studios has some advantages. I often get to hear exciting new music long before it hits the streets. Such was the case when the last studio at which I was on staff was finishing the cd that became "The Love Below".

But my latest new discovery happened the old fashioned way: I heard what sounded like some fine old-school soul music on the radio, reminiscent of Sam & Dave, Wilson Pickett, and even Marvin Gaye. And then I found out it was this young man, Ryan Shaw:

This 26-year-old singer/songwriter from Decatur, Georgia is out to revive the passion and soul of the Golden Age of Rhythm & Blues (1960-1972) for a new generation. His One Haven/Columbia debut album, This Is Ryan Shaw, combines a powerfully expressive voice with a clutch of great songs both classic and new—and a state-of-the-art, in-your-face sound that makes it impossible to sit still.

Lots to see and hear at his website, go check him out. Here's his Electronic Press Kit and a live camcorder video of Over and Done:

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