Jon Stewart took a look at the long list of grievances the GOP has had with President Obama since he took office where they've claimed he was "shredding the Constitution" and it's not pretty.
November 17, 2014

Jon Stewart took a look at the long list of grievances the GOP has had with President Obama since he took office where they've claimed he was "shredding the Constitution" and it's not pretty. As Stewart and his producers sadly pointed out, this has been going on almost since the day President Obama was sworn into office and there's no sign of the wingnuts slowing down with their accusations any time soon.

President Obama was not spared for his flip flopping on the immigration issue and for previously comparing taking executive action to being an "emperor.":

Jon Stewart took a shot at President Obama tonight for promising executive action on immigration over a year after saying he can’t because he’s not an “emperor.”

Stewart found it amusing that “all it took was one bad midterm election” for Obama to go from “I’m not an emperor” to, well, this.


After discussing the fact that we may be looking at yet another government shutdown and the spin we've seen from the GOP on this, Stewart took Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to task for his double-speak we already discussed here on Meet the Press, where Jindal apparently believes that if you just repeat the same bullshit talking points over and over again, we're supposed to believe them.

STEWART: You'd be shutting down the government.... It's like watching a non-Jedi mind trick. These are not the drawings you're looking for. You mean these drawings right here? Absolutely.... no, no! Right, these drawings in my back seat are not the ones you want. I'm just saying! Ahhhhh....


But for real disingenuous, or lack of awareness you must only look to Mittentine J. Romney's reason as to why Obama should not follow Reagan and Bush number one and take executive action on immigration.

ROMNEY: The president has got to learn that he lost this last election round. The American people have spoke loud and clear.

STEWART: Me thinks the president is not the only one with a hearing and learning problem. You know, I remember the American people saying quite loudly and clearly a few years back ixnay on the Mittnay and yet here you are on the elevisiontay, talking itshay.

You look great. What's your secret? Probably not being president.


Stewart wrapped things up with the Republicans' latest grievance president Obama that they've been carping on lately, which, after watching his mashup from the last six years or so, it's all that new at all.

President Obama is "shredding the Constitution" and according to the right wing, he's been doing it from the day he took office.

STEWART: Of course it's not surprising that Republicans are screaming about Obama destroying the Constitution. [...] Motherf**ker's been shredding the Constitution since February of 2009, like twenty days into his presidency. He must be doing it article by article saw style.

How could Obama be destroying the Constitution now if there's no Constitution left for him to shred? How many times does he have to kill this thing?



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