April 29, 2019

Samantha Bee took aim at White House spokes-liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders during her special, Not the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on TBS this Saturday.

I await Sanders running to Trump-TV Fox to cry about how badly she's being treated by that nonexistent "liberal media."

In a callback to last year’s Correspondents’ Dinner, wherein White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders warped Wolf’s jokes so that she could play the victim, Bee dedicated the night’s “In Memoriam” segment to the White House press briefing, noting, “It’s been 47 days since the last briefing, which raises a very serious question: what the fuck does Sarah Huckabee Sanders do all day? Does she just lie into a mirror or… I don’t even know!”

The host was then interrupted by the night’s “humor adviser” Sarah Huckabot Sanders, a humorless robot dressed in a wig, pink football pads, and with a Southern accent. “Unacceptable! That was about my appearance! How dare you! How dare you!” the robot replied.

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