May 19, 2021

New York's state Attorney General Letitia James is joining the Manhattan district attorney's office in a criminal investigation of the Trump Organization, her office announced last night. The state investigation into the Trump Organization will still continue as a civil probe, but the office has now notified Trump Organization officials of the "criminal component." Via CNN:

"We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organization in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA," James' spokesman Fabien Levy told CNN. "We have no additional comment."

In an increasingly serious sign for former President Donald Trump, the attorney general's office is working with the Manhattan district attorney's office, whose wide-sweeping probe into the Trump Organization has looked into whether the company misled lenders and insurance companies about the value of properties and whether it paid the appropriate taxes. James' notification to the organization brings a new level of potential legal risk to the former President, with the attorney general now able to seek criminal penalties as part of the probe.

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