May 13, 2024

CNN host Dana Bash pushed back on JD Vance's claims that Trump isn't anti-Semitic, but a huge supporter of Israel when she reminded him of the infamous Nick Fuentes dinner at Mar-A-Lago.

Vance was going on and on about Trump's support for Israel, but it is only in proportion to any Jewish person that supports his candidacy.

The Ohio Senator's response to Bash's remarks was to do the same thing that all MAGAts do when something happens that makes Trump look bad. He stuck his head in the sand and made-believe Bash never uttered the words.

Vance: I think the fact that Donald Trump is talking about Jews in that particular context does not mean he doesn't think the same lessons apply to a whole host of American citizens.

Bash: Yeah, because he did say that any Jewish person who voted for Joe Biden should be ashamed of themselves. I want to move on.

(Vance couldn't let it go)

Vance: But he's made similar comments about a lot of different groups of people, Dana. I don't think anybody could look at the presidency and the conduct of Donald Trump and say, this is a person who's somehow anti-Semitic. And I think whether you're Jewish or not, you should be looking at the record of Joe Biden.

Bash: He had dinner with Nick Fuentes, who is an avowed anti-Semite.

Vance: Dana, you should look at the record of Joe Biden and recognize that whether you're Jewish or not, his presidency has been a disaster for the American people.

Wait, what? Did Vance not hear Dana Bash? Of course he did. Did President Biden entertain a Jew hating Nazi and psycho misogynist?

Vance also claimed since Trump denigrates other ethnic voters that don't support him, he's allowed to be as repulsive as he wants.

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