April 4, 2010


(Turnpike Glow - what the well dressed, unsigned indie band sounds like these days)

Turnpike Glow are an Indie band originally out of Rome but relocated to London since 2007 and have been getting some good word of mouth going ever since. It hasn't translated into a label deal yet, even though they have one album currently out (Rush Home). But I'm starting to wonder just how important that is for a band these days to depend on any kind of label for their survival. Clearly, with major labels crumbling and dropping like flies, a band would have to be crazy to hook up with anyone right now. At this point, they're playing local gigs around London, have gotten good reviews from BBC Radio 1 and BBC 6 Music who are playing their material, and at last glance their MySpace page have gotten a respectable number of hits and plays of their songs. It would almost make more sense for this band, and a lot of others to keep doing what they're doing and not bother with a label deal. Just sayin'.

Anyway, This Heat is tonight's track from Turnpike Glow, a little something they put out last year. And if their songs on their MySpace page are any indication of what they're all about, they have a good future all on their own.

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