October 19, 2008
[media id=6619] Liberals in general are no fans of Colin Powell, but watching the right wing ideologues slam Powell because of his endorsement of Obama, I can only assume that they fear this particular endorsement because it will have an impact on undecided and independent voters. Pat Buchanan follows the lead of Rush Limbaugh and George Will and says that his only motivation was the color of his skin. A Red State writer actually says this:
"Affirmative Action At The Highest Level Unqualified Applicants Get Jobs Due Solely To Their Race
Notice how Pat and his friends make this a racist issue? (Memeorandum has a whole lot more)
Buchanan: Alright, we gotta ask a question, look would Colin Powell be endorsing Obama if he were a white liberal democrat... Walsh: Oh, Pat, I'm really sorry you went there. Look, General Powell Started off by saying it would be electrifying an African American and it is naive Joan to suggest it had nothing to do with his decision. Matthews: He said that if that were his driving motive he would have done it weeks ago because the guy looked African America weeks and months ago. Walsh: And Obama's been courting him. He's been courting him for months. Buchanan: This is why he threw in the whole kitchen sink. A lot fo things are silly and ridiculous. Economics and Supreme courts justices, it's... Walsh; That's not silly... Buchanan: All the motives except for the one everybody is wondering about. Walsh: Which is what? Race, I mean Pat, you know Pat. this is beneath you. Matthews: Why don't you go by what he said? Why do you have to attribute motives to people who don't say those things? Walsh: And Sheila Jackson Lee stayed with Hillary and Stephanie stayed...
Joan Walsh tells Pat that his assessment was "beneath him" and Matthews calls him out on it also. Wow, can you image that Colin Powell might consider the Supreme Court and economic policies before he makes a decision on who to vote for? Why would black people care about those issues right, Pat? He, like John McCain makes no sense at all. I remember hearing so many conservative and liberal women being upset when they felt others thought they should have thrown their support to Hillary just because she was a woman. This talk will only pick up as the week unfolds.

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