You Run Arnold, We Run Jennifer Yellow Dog BlogThere's a big push in the Republican party to amend the U.S. Constitution to allow foreign-born America
April 27, 2005

You Run Arnold, We Run Jennifer Yellow Dog Blog

There's a big push in the Republican party to amend the U.S. Constitution to allow foreign-born Americans to serve as president. Their poster-boy for this movement is clearly California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who they believe, based on how dim and easily-amused many Americans are, would prevail if allowed to run in 2008.

While I'm reluctant to dismiss a Schwarzenegger candidacy based on his lack of qualification and intellect – I mean, look at how George W. Bush manages to look like a genius to 50 million of our countrymen – that constitutional amendment would allow Democrats to bring someone forward who would smoke Arnold at every on

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