November 8, 2006

nancypelosi-bush.jpg What a great day. Nancy has her rightful spot as the new Speaker of the House and George had to grovel before her.

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It looks like the "Fear of Pelosi" meme that Drudge, O'Reilly and Hannity tried to use didn't fare too well.


President Bush made nice on Thursday with Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi after her Democratic Party gave his Republicans a trouncing in this week's elections - but not before telling Congress to complete a hefty list of assignments while Republicans are still in charge.

"It is our responsibility to put the elections behind us and work together on the great issues facing America," Bush said after meeting with his Cabinet and Republican leaders from the House and Senate. "Some of these issues need to be addressed before the current Congress finishes its legislative session, and that means the next few weeks are going to be busy ones." on

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