I'm still trying to figure out who ran the worst campaign in the history of politics in the last 50 years. Was it Thompson or Giuliani? (OK, that's
March 24, 2008

I'm still trying to figure out who ran the worst campaign in the history of politics in the last 50 years. Was it Thompson or Giuliani? (OK, that's a little harsh) It had to be Rudy the front runner, but Fred ran a close second. Anyway, after his humiliating defeat, Fredrick is heading back to Hollywood.

Former Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson is returning to his career as an actor and signed a deal to be represented by the William Morris Agency, the talent group said on Monday.

The 65-year-old actor and politician was a candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. president before dropping out of the race in January after garnering little support. Arizona Senator John McCain is the presumptive Republican nominee.

Maybe Dick Wolf will create another spinoff series: L&O: Lazy-boy Intent. About an aging DA that's just too tired to show up in court. Or, something...

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