When I see a story like this, my first response is, “Okay, where in Texas did this happen?”
Thank You, Georgia
Credit: juanitajean.com
January 2, 2014

When I see a story like this, my first response is, “Okay, where in Texas did this happen?”

That’s why I want to say, “Thank you Georgia.”

This is exactly why the Gideons put Bibles in southern hotel rooms.

Two residents of Cartersville may have not directly broken one of the Ten Commandments, but they did break the law when their fight over the sacred covenant turned violent.

According to police reports, Carolyn Unfricht and Daniel Camarda were inside a Cartersville hotel arguing about the Bible and specifically the Ten Commandments. Unfricht told police things got heated when she hit him across the face with her Bible. Camarda retaliated by throwing her across the room.

Both are now facing battery charges and not surprisingly, the police report states they were “highly intoxicated” at the time of the arrest.

Hummm … they must have read Rick Perry’s Christmas card.

I have long said that the rightwing uses Jesus as their own personal savior weapon so I would truly like to thank Carolyn and Daniel for giving us the literal graphics.

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