Rand Paul's Conference Call With Tea Party Extremist: Obama Has Muslim Sensibilites
June 3, 2014

Ron Paul was one of the first Tea Party heroes and he has a long history of cozying up to right wing extremists, whether they are anti-Semites, white supremacists, or new world order conspiracists so it's not shocking that his son, Senator Rand Paul, attracts and hangs out with the same mix of very dangerous and extreme people.

Mother Jones:

On Tuesday, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was the guest speaker on Rev. E.W. Jackson's semi-regular conference call, during which Jackson, a Tea Party activist, said that President Barack Obama has "Muslim sensibilities" and that gay Americans "want to destroy us."

Jackson, who was the losing Republican nominee for lieutenant governor of Virginia last year, is known for his many offensive and outlandish statements about gays, lesbians, non-Christians, and Obama. Jackson has warned that yoga leads to Satan, Obama is using NASA to expand Islam, and the Democratic Party platform is "an agenda worthy of the Antichrist."

Jackson then discussed Obama's announcement of the release of Bowe Bergdahl, an American soldier captured in Afghanistan. He said that the president "could not help but smile" when Bergdahl's father, at the press conference, said "allahu akbar—or whatever it is they say."

Jackson continued: "I have been roundly criticized for saying the president has Muslim sensibilities. That’s not my statement—that’s just a statement of fact…In this situation you would think he would have restrained himself. But he could not help but smile when that man said 'Praise be to Allah.'"

When John McCain received the endorsement of anti-Catholic Evangelical leader John Hagee, he was vilified for accepting it until he finally rejected it.

When will the media finally start admitting that Rand Paul courts people just as extreme as John Hagee? And when will Rand Paul be called out for it?

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