March 1, 2015

The leader of the GOP's new House Freedom Caucus believes the wingnuts need to just yell a little louder to get John Boehner to yield to their demands. As we already discussed here, the new House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and his ultra-right wing buddies stuck a shiv on Boehner's back on the DHS funding bill this week. Now Jim Jordan wants us to believe that if he and his group just make a little more noise, Boehner's going to give into them and allow Republicans to take the blame for shutting down the Department of Homeland Security.

Conservative lawmaker: We need to be louder in DHS funding battle:

House Republicans who have opposed measures to fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) because they haven't also rolled back President Obama's executive action on immigration need to be louder, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said Sunday.

"We haven't made the case strong enough. We know it's unconstitutional and we know it's unfair," Jordan said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Jordan, the chairman of the new conservative House Freedom Caucus, was among conservative lawmakers who signed a letter last week to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) urging him to not cave on the DHS funding issue.

"We do want to fund that agency. We understand the terrorist threat out there," Jordan maintained, challenging Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to allow the Senate and House to reconcile plans, potentially including defunding Obama's actions.

The House passed a one-week measure to fund DHS late Friday, setting up another debate over the issue in the coming week.

"We're willing to sit down and try to work out the differences. That's all we're asking for," Jordan said.

Sure they are. As Karoli already predicted, here's what we're likely in for with this bunch:

When that clean bill to fund DHS is brought up next week, it will pass with all of the votes Democrats withheld Friday. The same 50 or so tea party types will toss a hissy fit and moan about "amnesty" etc, but Boehner will be forced to finish this drama with the help of House Democrats.

Jordan also insisted that there isn't a coup to oust Boehner, not that it matters. Their caucus is ungovernable even if you had someone competent running the House.


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