GOP hopeful Donald Trump said in a recent interview that he would have personally fought back against the terrorists if he had been in San Bernardino last week.
December 6, 2015

GOP hopeful Donald Trump said in a recent interview that he would have personally fought back against the terrorists if he had been in San Bernardino last week.

"You know, you say they don't mind dying, I think they do mind dying," Trump told CBS host John Dickerson in an interview that aired on Sunday. "But I can tell you this, they want their families left alone. We have to stop terrorism."

Dickerson wondered if targeting terrorists' families might end up "creating more terrorists."

"What's too far?" Trump asked. "Whether it's what we just saw in California or in Paris, they're killing people. Innocent people. People without guns."

"You look at Paris, no guns, nothing. And you look at California, no guns," he opined. "I can tell you one thing, if I'm in there and I have a handgun, we're going down shooting. We're going to knock 'em out. Okay? One way or the other."

"And if a couple of guns are in that room -- you talk about Second Amendment, which I'm a big believer in the Second Amendment. In Paris they had no guns. In California, they had no guns. Only the bad guys had the guns. So, they were like sitting ducks. Every one of them."

The candidate added that "it's going to be a lot safer" if more people are carrying guns.

"We're going into these gun-free areas," Trump remarked. "Look at the school a few months ago, gun-free school, gun-free area. And you look at what happened, it was a disgrace. If people had guns -- how about the soldiers that were killed? Six soldiers killed, champion marksmen on a military base, they're not allowed to carry their guns. And a whack job walks in and kills them."

"Paris is one of the toughest cities in the world for guns, you can't get them. And you had carnage."

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