Congressman Duncan Hunter Says He Probably Killed ‘Hundreds’ Of Civilians While In Combat
Credit: Screenshot
June 2, 2019

California Representative, Duncan Hunter, is a piece of trash. He misused campaign funds, denied all wrong doing and then screamed at media to leave his wife "out of it" just days after he threw her under the bus.

Most recently he has continued to tarnish his already feces-covered reputation by defending a Navy SEAL accused of murder.

Not one to settle for just being *one of the worst* in Congress, he has decided to reach for the stars and be that *absolute worst of all* and a recent interview he gave may earn him the title (among other things). What exactly did he say?

During an interview for an interview on the podcast “Zero Blog Thirty", Hunter told the hosts:

“I was an artillery officer, and we fired hundreds of rounds into Fallujah, killed probably hundreds of civilians. Probably killed women and children if there were any left in the city when we invaded. So, do I get judged too?”

I am speechless.

He shared this story in an effort to defend Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher who is who is currently on trial in San Diego related to accusations of war crimes, including - you guessed it - shooting at civilians.

When asked about one of the people Gallagher is accused of killing - a teenage ISIS fighter - Hunter responded coldly:

“I frankly don’t care if he was killed. I just don’t care.”

And this isn't the worst thing Hunter has said. During a town hall last week, Hunter said that he posed in photos with people he killed.

He said:

“He did one bad thing, that I am guilty of too, taking a picture with a body and saying something stupid and then texting that."

The Marines are aware of Hunter's comments.

Just a reminder, Hunter and his wife were indicted in 2017 on a litany of charges in a staggering indictment. His trial is set for December of this year.

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