Trump To Observe 9/11 With Commentary On Has-Been Boxing Match
September 8, 2021

President Joe Biden will mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11 by visiting the Pentagon, New York, and Shanksville, PA.

Trump and his son Junior will spend it cashing in on a Florida boxing match between two has-beens. Via HuffPost:

The two are set to offer “alternative” commentary to this weekend’s match between Evander Holyfield and Vitor Belfort via the FITE streaming platform.

The price? $49.99.

If there is any charity component to the former president’s participation, it is not mentioned on the event’s website or in the pricing details. He previously hosted boxing matches at his since-bankrupt casinos.

The Sept. 11th fight at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel in Hollywood, Florida will pit 58-year-old former boxing champ Holyfield, who hasn’t fought in a decade, against Belfort, a former UFC champ who is 14 years younger.

I'm not one of those people who thinks 9/11 is a religious holiday, but come on! You're the former president and this is how you're going to spend the day? Tone deaf as hell.

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