March 3, 2023

In 2020, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr's gal pal, danced onstage at a Turning Point USA Convention. And now, just three years later, Kim is at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) peddling gold and silver at the Trump-friendly event.

Guilfoyle says that you should stop doing business with woke companies that "hate you" and instead, to invest in your retirement plan, go to 'KimsMetals.'

If you go to, it redirects to a company called Goldco, echoing public figures who try to sell MyPillows using a discount code with their name or initials attached to it.

Guilfoyle became a Trump campaign advisor after Fox News paid a former assistant of hers upward of $4 million to avoid going to trial after the employee wrote a 2018 draft complaint detailing allegations of sexual harassment against her.

Kim has frequently joked about her sex life and, at one fundraiser, offered a lap dance to the donor who gave the most money.

What I'm getting to is that you should never trust what anyone in Trump's orbit says. Do not buy her gold and silver idea unless you're a Trump supporter. In that case, send the former President all of your money. Every single penny. Prove that you are devoted to him.

Take it away, Kim!

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