October 15, 2013

I'm fairly sure that even going through a default and watching the world's economy collapse would not be enough for these two clowns to ever admit that shutting down the government in an attempt to destroy the health care law wasn't a good move for either the country, or for their party politically.

Fox's Megyn Kelly had on Republican House wingnuts Louie Gohmert and Tim Huelskamp to discuss this latest failed attempt at hostage taking by John Boehner, and all I can say is it's a good thing they weren't all in the same room together. I think the vortex created by the vacuums in their empty heads would not only suck all of the oxygen, but all of the IQ's out of the room as well: Megyn Kelly Grills Louie Gohmert: Why Not Let Obamacare Implode So You Benefit in 2014?:

Kelly noted the issue for them now is whether they’ve “hurt the Republican party” with their relentless railing against Obamacare. Huelskamp lamented the lack of helpfulness from Senate Republicans, while Gohmert simply said, “There’s no statute of limitations on doing what’s right.”

Gohmert continued that if Harry Reid got to say “no no no no no” on everything they proposed, they’re not simply going to accept whatever the Senate comes up with. Kelly offered them this potential scenario to let things play out for the next year.

“If Obamacare is imploding, stay out of it, let it implode, then you guys are going into 2014 and making the case to the American people that this is a bad law.”

Gohmert said the whole point of this fight in the first place was to draw people’s focus to the health care law. Both he and Huelskamp doubted that John Boehner‘s leadership would be in any kind of peril if he allows a Senate bill to be passed in the House with the help of Democrats.

These people are not fit for governing and should never, ever be allowed again to threaten the full faith and credit of the United States government and the possibility of sending us into another recession or a depression. Just how badly they've got to behave before the business community in the United States has finally had a belly full of them and before the people that voted them into office wake up to how dangerous they are is beyond me.

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