archy: Eliminationism + flag desecration = patriotism AfterDowningStreet: The ACORN I Know Blue Gal: The real problem for teabaggers Facing South:
September 25, 2009

archy: Eliminationism + flag desecration = patriotism

AfterDowningStreet: The ACORN I Know

Blue Gal: The real problem for teabaggers

Facing South: The fallout continues for Rep. Mike Ross -- the Blue Dog Democrat from Arkansas who has risen to prominence in the health reform debate -- over ProPublica's investigation this week into a suspicious land sale Ross made to a major pharmacy chain.

Last Left Turn Before Hooterville: Illegals, watch out - we're taking back our jobs!

HOLY CRAP: It's a Blessing...Religio/political crackpot calls for abortions in the public square...A 'Christian'nightmare...How religious indoctrination led to murder...Latte-sipping fundamentalists... Catholic Church, insurance & abortion...Sexual values...Biblical proof...Image problem...Prayer for the Republic...Messed up Bible Stories

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